I found this info interesting and reposting mostly as a reminder to myself:
Why aren’t more artists’ blogs more successful?
Most artists’ blogs fail because they fail to understand the basic truth about artists’ blogs:
Nobody’s reading your blog because of your art.
Your typical artist’s blog usually consists of little more than a photograph of the latest art piece, with a brief description like, “I painted this yesterday. I like how the purple dog clashes with the green sofa.” Or whatever.
But the reality is, most people are not reading your blog because they have an inherent love for purple dogs and green sofas. They’re reading your blog because THE PERSON YOU ARE inspires them. They’re not reading your blog because they’re thinking of buying your paintings, they’re reading your blog because the way you approach your work inspires them. It sets an example for them. It stands for something that resonates with them. IT LEADS THEM TO SOMEWHERE THAT THEY ALSO WANT TO GO.
And if your blog can do that, suddenly your readers are associating purple dogs and green sofas with something that ACTUALLY matters to them. And then, and only then, do they pull their credit cards out. Ker-chiing.
That’s the REAL job of the artist: To be a leader, not to fill the space with pretty “stuff”.
That’s also the REAL job of any blogger: To be a leader, not fill the space with pretty “content”.
Why? Because whatever your blog is about, it doesn’t matter- it’s either leading people somewhere worthwhile in a meaningful, positive way, or…
Nobody’s frickin’ reading it, end of story.