Senku Ishigami. The protagonist of the manga and anime series “Dr. Stone.” A brilliant and resourceful young scientist, Senku possesses an insatiable curiosity and an unwavering determination to revive and rebuild humanity in a world where a mysterious petrification event turned all of humanity into stone statues. Waking up after 3,700 years, Senku emerges into a post-apocalyptic landscape where the remnants of civilization have crumbled.
As the founder of the Kingdom of Science, Senku leads a group of survivors in the pursuit of scientific knowledge to overcome the challenges of the petrified world. His analytical mind and inventive spirit enable him to unravel the secrets of the petrification and develop ground-breaking technologies. Despite facing adversaries like Tsukasa Shishio, who has a conflicting vision for the new world, Senku remains committed to the idea of rebuilding society through science. With an encyclopaedic knowledge of various fields, from chemistry to engineering, Senku becomes a charismatic and unconventional leader, inspiring others to join him in the quest to restore humanity to its former glory.
This illustrated anime art print is created by Ben Krefta- A professional artist best known for his ‘How to Draw Manga’ art books, which have sold over 1 million copies globally. He specialises in manga, comic and tattoo inspired designs and art.
✔️ Artwork available in Sensational Silk Matt, Glorious Gloss and Mesmerizing Metallic Finishes
✔️ Format: A3 size. 11.7 inches x 16.5″ x 0.01″ / 29.7 cm x 42cm x 0.01cm on heavy weight paper
✔️ Full colour. Printed to edge, super high quality (beware of poor quality, low resolution, pirate knock-off prints sold elsewhere)
✔️ Signed by pro artist Ben Krefta on front (leave a note if you prefer it on back or none).
✔️ This is a small print run item only available via Ben’s websites.
✔️ Print delivered in a postal tube so that it does not fold or crease.
✔️ Combined shipping discount on multiple Krefta print orders
Please Note: Colours may vary slightly due to printing process
❇️ Wall Décor: Perfect choice for: bedroom, living room, guest room, bathroom, dinning room, meeting room, hallway, coffee house, hotels, inn, shops, lounge, and other spaces of home, office, business etc.
❇️ Perfect Gift Idea: For Birthdays, Christmas, mother’s day, father’s day, valentines, wedding, anniversary, thanksgiving, yourself!
❇️ Unique Art: Each print is individually hand-signed and dated with the year by the artist. Ben’s art is all drawn from the ground up to create a stunning, original design. No stock images, mass-produced, carbon copies, tracings or re-hashed and stolen images here. You’re unique, and the art prints you choose to hang on your walls should be too.
Insured Shipping:
✔️ Fixed Shipping cost for signed Art prints:
📦 £3.50 – UK
📦 £9.00 – EUROPE
📦 £11.50 – USA and Canada
📦 £13.50 – Everywhere else
✔️ No extra shipping to pay on Multiple signed Art prints.
For UK Orders: please allow 2-7 days to arrive.
For International Orders: please allow 1-4 weeks to arrive.
Sophie Collins –
Senku’s vibrant green and red colors really pop on my wall. The art style stays true to the original anime, and it’s a constant source of inspiration in my student apartment