My old art website
Organic Metal- moved to a new server today. I then needed to spend days updating the entire site since a lot of the code originally written in 2000 was so out of date.
Organic Metal is nearly 15 years old now, with it's latest web design being around 10 years old as of 2015. Web design and tech moved along at crazy speeds over recent years, and yet I still like it. I'm proud to have created, at the time, one of the best looking art portfolio websites on the entire internet.
My Fame short lived
The internet has changed- people want relevant content and quicker. Most people aren't looking to read through 100s of pages of content on a single person. Especially now that nearly everyone who draws, paints and designs has some kind of web presence, be it on their own personalized sites, or, more commonly, through social media platforms.
I'm still planning to keep it up and running in the background for now as a testament to the 100s of hours and many months I'd spent creating then tinkering with it. It's a forgotten project which belongs in a museum. Although, sadly, like all pages on the internet, it'll no doubt eventually die and be removed.