I've been privately blogging for years and occasionally I'll blog to the public via my personal site or social media sites. I wanted to create a Blog network through the same UI instead of having to log into OM, Wordpress and Blogger separately. And also wanted to have a primary master Blog which re-posts to social media sites to save potentially posting the same info on multiple platforms to different audiences.
I'm getting there!
I've set up Wordpress Multi-site, installed a few plugins which should do the trick and added some basic customization to my private and public blogs. Now I am trying to figure out what to post and to where- should I keep things fairly general, allow more personal posts to be shared, or just share art related things? And should I re-post everything on this master blog to my Facebook, Twitter and Tumbr?
I've never got on 100% with social media. Partly because I don't have the time to update them all, partly because I don't like the idea of making all my thoughts or interactions public. Now that so many people communicate this way and since I have a handful of friends and followers who use these sites, I want them to know what's going on in my world. I also want an audience- people interested in checking out what I have to share, say and show.
I'm also wondering if I should create a separate domain for the master blog- is it worth it right now? Can I easily migrate this to a new domain or server location at a later date if needs be? - I need to figure that out. Rather than this be part of Organic Metal, I like the idea of having a new, separate, simple site just for the Blog with a few extra add on pages to house permanent info and picture gallery. Then again, I also like the idea of creating a new professional portfolio site and not sure if a personal blog would belong on it?